Proven Track Record includes:
- Skyward: Interim VP Engineering:
Initiate, coach and facilitate effective agile process
resulting in incremental product delivery every two weeks;
provide healthy influence to both the leadership team and the organization as a whole;
help the product organization move from "where do we start" to relentless delivery;
facilitate critical architecture conversations
- LesConcierges: Interim VP Engineering:
Recruit and establish product management; rebuild development;
lead design and kick off construction of
next generation customer facing platform, CRM, and mobile and web solutions
- NerdWallet:
Guide executive, engineering and design teams
to synch product development with hockey-stick product line growth
- Schwab: Transform application development
from "anything goes" to a single shared approach and platform company-wide
- m-Via: Transition mobile-phone payments team to Scrum
- Apple: Advance and evolve the Macintosh OS desktop,
Apple's user experience crown jewels
- Mid-Stage Startup: Acting CTO:
Lead strategic and tactical planning to transition from outsourced product development
to full ownership of architecture, development, pilot launch, and product roll-out
- Stanford: Make over and transform
HighWire Press Professional Services,
supporting 1,500 web sites, hosting 1,400 academic journals
and 1,000 academic books for 150 publishers worldwide
- Axcient: Train and support embracing Agile
in developing multi-tenant, cloud-based product line
- Schwab: Devise and deliver award-winning investor tools
for the world’s most active secure web site
- PaceWorks:
Advise two merging half-billion-dollar manufacturing companies
how to integrate their IT technology and teams
- Razorfish: Design and implement ecommerce,
web, consumer and enterprise applications for clients
from Shutterfly and DNA Direct to Visa, Genentech, Singapore Airlines and Disney
- ZoneAlarm: Drive product definition and delivery of consumer security software
- Merced Systems: Train and immerse call-center development team in Scrum
- Forensic Logic: Lead product development of SaaS-delivered crime prevention and analysis services
- Fujitsu: Rescue the long-overdue product development of WorldsAway online animated virtual worlds
- Mingle Analytics: Systemic coaching to boost teamwork and tweak agile practices in dramatic ways
- Cadreon: Customize and deliver scrum trainings to eight team configurations on three continents
- mFactory: Complete and deliver anxiously-awaited, award-winning multimedia authoring tools
- Oration: Interim VP Engineering:
introduce best engineering and agile practices and schedule predictability to an early stage startup